Victory Tae-Kwon-Do Testimonials

My children and I joined the Victory Martial Arts family nearly two years ago. Our time with Victory has been so valuable! I am healthier and more confident than ever before. My support network has also expanded. At each class, Victory reinforces to my children the values of respect and discipline. I can’t praise them enough!!”.
- Sandra B. DeMeo, Attorney at Law

"Victory Martial Arts is not just an after school activity. The Kim's have become a second family. My son Daniel has learned so much more than the art of Tae-kwon-do. He has learned self confidence, respect and the rewards that hard work can bring. They genuinely care about each of their students and guide them to their goals through a loving and supportive teaching method. This program is the best money you will spend on your child. It will give them skills they will use throughout their lifetime. I am amazed how my shy little boy has become a self confident little man.”
- Robin LaRocco

"Our sons, Truman & Spencer, have been going to Victory Martial Arts for 1 ½ years. The Kim’s are a wonderful family and have been great to our boys. TKD has taught the boys respect and to watch out for the younger members. It has also been a great confidence builder. The boys have a lot of fun and have made new friends. Not only do our kids attend weekly class but they have gone to summer camp, the after school program and the sleepovers. As parents, we recommend Victory Martial Arts for any age boys or girls.”
- Ron and Jamie Bazer

"We wanted to let you know that Tae Kwon Do has improved our children’s self discipline, focus, determination and work ethic - and they just think it is fun! We interviewed nearly every martial arts studio in Huntington Beach and tried 3 introductory offers including Victory Martial Arts. We feel that Victory Martial Arts is an exciting, multi-generational and flexible studio that is great for the whole family to train. We appreciate that our family is now part of the Victory Martial Arts family.”
- Groom Family

"Roman has been part of the Victory family for almost 6 years now! Wow, time flies! Tae-Kwon-Do at Victory has given our little Roman an inner confidence and self-esteem, and helped him to carry himself with boldness although he has always been the smallest one in his class. Since becoming a Blackbelt, he's also become more of a leader, wanting to teach and help the lower belts and friends outside of TKD. He looks forward to going to class now and the sense of "team" and acceptance he feels at victory. We love it! Thank you!”
- Sherry Wilbur

"Our family became involved with Victory TKD when our eldest son was 7 yrs old. (9 yrs ago) We wanted to give our four sons a place that encouraged exercise and self esteem. We found that in Victory. It has helped our sons develop into great kids. They encouraged our kids and taught them self worth. Our eldest son will test for his 3rd degree belt this year and our youngest son (10 yrs old) will soon test for his black belt too (following in the footsteps of his older brothers). In conclusion we strongly recommend Victory TKD . Proud parents of soon to be 4 black belts!!”
- The Romero Family

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